Here at Nom Nom supporting diversity is very important to us. Thats why we decided to pair a Noms for Non-profits shift with the Queer Alliance at our most recent UCLA shift. We are so happy (and amazed!) by the wonderful turnout, and we could not ask for a better crowd!
If homework gets too hard, come visit us at Assignment Geek
Click here or on the photo below to see the Nom Nom line. Thank you so much dedicated UCLA Nomsters for your support! We love you all so much :)
We broke out our special Blue and Gold Nom Nom tees for the campus. U-C-L-A fight fight fight!
Thesis writing can be super easy with Thesis Helpers. Give it a go!
We luv these flyers that the Queer Alliance created for the event! Thanks guys! :)
Nom Nom Team <3 Jeff, Matthew, Andy and Andrew. Even though it is a small working space on the truck, we make it work. This photo makes me so happy :)
Photos from our Grill NOM All shift to come soon. We promise they will not dissapoint . . .
Yes, thats right Nomsters! We will be REUNITING with our Grill Em All boys this Saturday 1-4PM at the Other Door in North Hollywood (10437 burbank blvd). There the NOMINATOR will be uniting with Grill Em Alls new truck, SON OF BEAST (LOVE the name!) We will also each be cookin up a special yall definetely will not want to miss! (nom-worthy indeed). Hope to see you there! :)
2010 was such an incredible year for us and we are so happy that we got to share it with you (whether via TV, net, or by wheels). We are absolutely humbled by all the support you nomsters have given us and look forward to everything that 2011 has to offer. Happy New Year!
Attention Nomsters! We will be launching our 2nd truck in January, so that we can serve even MORE Nomsters than before! We would love to go to you to get ideas on the name for our 2nd truck. She (yes it is a she!) will definetely be nom-worthy with a few new bells and whistles! Please vote below to let us know what you think!
We are looking to expand our team with some key players that want to grow with the Nom Nom Truck Family! If you feel you are qualified and want to work with us (sorry, no hobbyists! :P), we want you.
Nom Nom Day/Night Manager
For this position we require the following:
* Lives within the LA Area
* Flexible schedule: Day Manager availability 8am-3pm on average 5 days. Night Manager availability 4:00pm-10pm on average 5 days
* At least one year of experience in a managerial position
* At least one year of experience in the food service industry
* Great interest in growing and learning in a start-up environment
* Ability to work under pressure and multi-task in a fast-paced environment (we gotta serve our Nomsters right!)
* Someone who is passionate about the Nom and spreadin’ Nom Nom luv!
* Have a passion for food! (luvin’ Banh Mi is a plus :D)
Responsibilities of this position:
* Daily prep of 1-2 hours either before or after shift
* Drivin’ the Nominator (must have a clean driving record, no DUIs!)
* Prep orders and call out orders
* Adhere to Nom policies and requirements at all times along with all food safety regulations/Food handlers permit is preferred
* Bring positivity and luv to the Nom Nom workplace
* Be a team leader and bring the Nom Nom Team together
Nom Nom Teammate
For this position we require the following:
* Flexible schedule (available at least 4 shifts a week) day or night.
* Experience in the food industry highly preferred
* Must live within the LA area
* Great interest in growing and learning in a start-up environment
* Ability to work under pressure and multi-task in a fast-paced environment (we gotta serve our Nomsters right!)
* Someone who is passionate about the Nom and spreadin’ Nom Nom luv!
* Have a passion for food! (luvin’ Banh Mi is a plus :D)
Responsibilities of this position:
* Daily prep of 1-2 hours either before or after shift
* Prep orders and call out orders
* Adhere to Nom policies and requirements at all times along with all food safety regulations
* Bring positivity and luv to the Nom Nom workplace
Please send us your resume to [email protected], with the subject “Nom Nom Day Manager”/ Nom Nom Night Manager or Nom Nom Teammate along with why you would like to work for the Nom. Thank you Nomsters!
Just finished our first Nom Nom webisode! We will be filming a couple more this month, providing you Nomsters with many more great Nom Nom adventures!
In this webisode we asked our Nomsters to dress up as the Nomster Monster! Meanwhile Allison gives her definition of what a Nomster Monster is, while also revealing her best Nomster Monster impression. Overall, we would most definetely rate this as a nom-worthy Halloween!
Bonus: best costume ever! Thank you for the email Charles :)
As we are growing, we are looking for the following member to add to our team:
Nom Nom Inventory Manager
For this position we require the following:
* Lives within the LA Area and dependable car.
* Flexible morning schedule 7AM-11AM (available at least 6 shifts a week)
* At least one year of experience in the food service industry.
* Great interest in growing and learning in a start-up environment
* Ability to work under pressure and multi-task in a fast-paced environment.
* Someone who is passionate about the Nom and spreadin’ Nom Nom luv!
* Have a passion for food! Will be buyer of fresh product daily for our nomsters! (luvin Banh Mi is a plus :D)
Responsibilities of this position:
* Stocking the truck with supplies from nearby Restaurant Supply Warehouses.
* Checking and restocking inventory.
* Lifting the occasional box.
* Organizational and communication skills.
* Must have clean driving record (No DUIS!) and dependable car.
* Adhere to Nom policies and requirements at all times along with all food safety regulations
* Bring positivity and luv to the Nom Nom workplace
* Be a team leader and bring the Nom Nom Team together
Please send us your resume to [email protected], with the subject “Nom Nom Inventory Manager” along with why you would like to work for the Nom. Thank you Nomsters!
Yep, you heard me right Nomsters! Jen and I will be filming our first webisode this Wednesday night at 8950 Sunset Blvd @ Lopez Ranch Pumpkin patch. We ourselves will not only be dressed up as Nomster Monstaaas but we will also be handing out a FREE 6 sandwich of your choice to anyone who comes to the truck dressed as a Nomster Monster!
Here is a preview of our Nomster hat that my best friend Michie made us! Luv it! <3 thank you Michie :)
In addition to receiving a free Banh Mi, we will also have this handy dandy certificate signed by Jen and I, stating that you have a LEGIT Nomster Monster costume! Gotta love it!
Please note though if you come dressed up as a Nomster, you may be on camera for our webisode! :)
Every time Misa and I jump on on the truck for a service we get such warm regards from you nomsters! We are so grateful for every one of you, especially all the lil noms dropping off pictures of the truck and asking us for photos. Our truck really is our own dream machine: slinging banh mi n tacos in a bright green truck to all you nomsters. However, from the letters we get dropped off at the truck, weve inspired a few stories. CUTENESS! Natalieno, you are awesome! :)