Show with Food Network: Our challenge in San Diego!

This weekend we drove our Nominator (and our lil PT cruiser!) down to ma hometown of San Diego! I am so happy that this challenge was in SD, it allowed me not only to show ma bebe off to my home town and spread the word about NOMS, but also catch up with old family and friends! I unfortunately did not take many photos with my favorite fam and friends (let’s just say I was distracted by the high stress level of the competition), but I just want to thank all of you who came out and showed their luv to nom nom truck, I <3 you all, and I do not know what we would do without you :)

Drive down to Sd: wasn’t too bad, hit a lil’ bit of traffic, but once out of LA, the drive was beautiful, and we got this goooorgeous view with our truck overlooking the ocean. <3!

1st day: Even though SD was my hometown, it was still going to be hard to let people know we were in SD since we could not use our twitter or facebook to let our nomsters know where we were! We decided to set up at buffalo exchange in PB for the first day- high foot traffic, Buffalo Exchange was having a $1 sale (=even high foot traffic) and the super sweet ladies were able to save our spot (=no parking hassle!)

Photo Courtesy of the Food Network

Although we eventually got kicked out by the sandwich shop a block away (that man had such hatred in his eyes!) we moved down the street and finished off the day not in the red ( a good thing!)

2nd day:Lemme just say that the second day of this challenge was DEFINITELY better than the 1st! We started off the day bright and early at 6 am, and made it to the Hillcrest farmers market by 9. We were given a wonderful spot next to Joes on the Nose beverage truck (they were so sweet!) and we did a special coupon with them- buy anything at Joes and get a dollar off our sandwiches! The coupon was a hit and I’m happy to say we did even BETTER than we would normally do on a Sunday afternoon in LA AFTER tweeting! Cheers to a successful day!
Me and Jen NOMMIN’ togetha! Thanks Nancy for the photo :)

After a long days work! (Photo courtesy of

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