Oh Santa Fe how we luv you . . . let us count the ways!

1. Amazing people. Although we arrive into Santa Fe in the midst of very cold 28 degree snowy weather, the people of Santa Fe continue to battle the cold to pick up their warm, toasty and delicious Banh Mi! On top of that every customer was so kind and welcoming, we did not want to leave!

Photo of Nominator in its first day of snow!

2. Beauty. Every single house = adorable adobe architecture. Our local taxi driver explained that blue window panes keep the evil spirits away. (Below is J’no in front of her dream home!)

3. Delicious Food. We weren’t the only place with nom-worthy food, we found fresh and original cuisine at every corner. We had delicious tapas at La Boca off the Plaza and nomolicious huevos rancheros at Tia Sofia’s!

4. 10,000 waves. After an extremely stressful weekend on the truck (working in extremely cold conditions for 14 hours a day can get to you! Me and J’no spent a night at the spa 10,000 waves. Everyone there was so nice, and we cannot thank them enough for helping us de-stress! You know we <3 our spa days! :P

5. History. We loved exploring the oldest chapel in America- the San Miguel Mission, and also the oldest house in America right around the corner.

Thank you Santa Fe, for such a priceless weekend. You will forever be in our hearts, and who knows, maybe we will be back one day!