We were super honored to be NOM-inated by Business Week in their March Madness Food Truck Bracket, but even prouder to rep L.A.! It’s great to see so many nom-worthy food trucks across the country and the great variety of cuisines expressed. The resurgence of the food truck movement in the past couple of years has really been evident in L.A. and we’re just happy to even be a part of this. Of course, this would not be possible without the support of our nomnivorous community of loyal nomsters! (see nom-worthy recognition for our “nomsters” below, click the pic haha)

AND we recently hit the 20,000 follower mark on twitter! (didn’t get the chance to catch a screen-shot of the 20,000 d’oh!)

Can’t even imagine the day we reach 25,000! But we’ll make sure to have a treat for you all when we do so keep up your nommin’ ;)